July 21, 2018


The Randolph Fire Department announces the retirement of Deputy Chief Albert Karsay.  We would like to congratulate Deputy Karsay, badge #62, for his 32 years of service to the town of Randolph.  We wish him and his family a happy and healthy future.  Good luck Al!

February 11, 2018

New Hires

The Randolph Fire Department announces the following hires as permanent full-time members,  Firefighter/EMT Dennis Lee, Firefighter/EMT Colin Gray, and Firefighter/EMT Daniel Pasquantonio.  They will report for duty on February 12, 2018.

Department Announcements

October 26, 2018


The Randolph Fire Department announces the retirement of Firefighter Bruce Eaton.  We would like to congratulate Bruce, badge #67, for his 30 years of service to the town of Randolph.  We wish him and his family a happy and healthy future.  Good luck Bruce!

September 4, 2018

Massachusetts Firefighting Academy

The Randolph Fire Department announces FF Lee, FF Gray, and FF Pasquantonio will be being their 10 week recruit training class at the MFA.